Mike Plays Games...

I Started a Sister Channel Dedicated to Retro Video Games!

Hello, Everyone!

I know it's been a long time since I've written a traditional blog post, but I thought I'd make sure to write a little something talking about my decision to create a sister channel to Mike Meeple.

Mike Plays Games is 100% something that my son wanted to do as he's started to really fall in love with retro video games and the stories that I tell him of what it was like when Arcades ruled the Earth.

I will absolutely still be creating content for the Mike Meeple channel, but I wanted to expand my horizons, and this is an easy way to also involve my boys.

So, if you're interested at all in checking it out, show a little love and support Mike Plays Games and subscribe to stay up to date!  Or don't, and just stay connected with Mike Meeple for all your board gaming/painting info!

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