Painting Poorly Special - The Pit Part 2

by Kerberos Productions

It's Sequel Time!

So, about a month ago, I posted a tutorial on how to paint the Kickstarter Exclusive miniature, The Brawler, from Kerberos Productions' upcoming tabletop game, The Pit.

Today, we're going to be looking at another cool figure from the game: the Medium Security Bot.

Well, without further ado, let's get painting!

1. Gameplan, Prep, and Prime

Once again, due to the fact that The Pit has not been released, finding in-game art to base my gameplan off of, but you can get a pretty clear idea of what they're supposed to look at based on the cover art of the box!  So, armed with that, my gameplan is going to look something like this:

So, with this in mind, I've assembled the following paints:

I'll be using Plate Mail Metal by The Army Painter and a basic red from the craft store.  (Note: I thought I'd be using the Gunmetal Grey by Vallejo, but ended up not needing it)

"But Mike Meeple, what about the PURPLE?!?  WHERE'S THE PURPLE?!?"

Don't work your undies into a bunch.  We'll get there.  Trust me, but for now, these are the only two paints you'll be doing your basecoat with.  Go ahead and prime your mini, I've used The Army Painter's Brush-On Primer, and away we go!

2. Basecoat

Like my 12th grad math teacher, Mr. Ennis, used to tell me, we're going to KISS this miniature, or "Keep It Simple, Stupid!"  Using the Plate Mail Metal, we're just going to paint the ENTIRE mini.

Plate Mail Metal goes on REALLY well.  I actually LOVE this product.  The thing is, you don't really want to thin the paint TOO much.  Instead of the typical 50/50 water mix, something closer to 3/1 paint/water would work better.

Once that dries, you'll take your basic red, thinned 50/50 with water of course, and paint the red light in the center of the face.  In addition, there's a SMALL rectangular red light on the side of the gun arm that you should paint as well.

Once you're done with those two steps, you're done with your basecoat!

3. Adding Shade

Okay, here we go, you Purple People Eaters!  Here's where the purple comes in.

I've grabbed Dark Tone and Purple Tone, both by the Army Painter.

We're going to start off with the Purple Tone, and apply it to the treads, the square portions of both arms, and the undercarriage of the chassis.

As you can see, the purple wash adds the tint of purple, while keeping the metallic finish of the basecoat.  Be aware, however, that you may have to add 2 or 3 applications of the purple wash in order to achieve the vibrant purple color that you want.

Next, you'll move onto using the Dark Tone, or black wash, to all the remaining exposed metal portions and the red light.  Once you're done with that, let it dry, and we'll move onto finishing touches!

4. Finishing Touches

Normally, I would add highlighting at this stage as well, but due to the fact that the whole mini is metallic, you don't really need to!

The only real finishing touch is to use your detail brush and a little pink or white paint, and paint a small reflective crescent shape on the red light, and you're done!

After you paint the base and spray with your matte spray, you may want to go over the red light with a little gloss varnish to make it really look like shiny glass, but you don't NEED to.  If you do, however, make sure you put it on AFTER you spray finish it, because otherwise the matte spray will dull the gloss varnish.

But regardless, you should end up with...


Hopefully, you found this helpful, and be sure the check out The Pit, by Kerberos Productions!

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